According to my sister Amy, "Trinity is so cute, you could eat her up"
Peace Corps Address
Joe's cell #
Ashley's cell #
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Baby Girl!!!
No folks not us, My sister Aubrey and her Husband Clint...Little Trinity was born yesterday, Joe and I are proud to call her our niece. More details to come...
According to my sister Amy, "Trinity is so cute, you could eat her up"
According to my sister Amy, "Trinity is so cute, you could eat her up"
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
$140 for a Greek Cruise
I know that we have told some of you about the Greek Cruise that Ashley and I purchased over the internet six months ago. Some wanted to join us. Some laughed. Some questioned the safety. But I want to tell you that I think we scored a real nice deal. $140 dollars (yes that is for both of us - $70 a person) for a 7 night cruise has been worth every penny (so far!).

Our "Easy" Cruise Ship.

Our cabin bathroom.

Our cabin (small yet functional).

Ash and I rented bikes on the Island of Ithaca.

This is a tugboat pulling our ship through the Corinth Canal.

Our "Easy" Cruise Ship.

Our cabin bathroom.

Our cabin (small yet functional).

Ash and I rented bikes on the Island of Ithaca.

This is a tugboat pulling our ship through the Corinth Canal.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Turkey Day in Athens, Greece
Packers 37 Lions 26
Even in Greece people know that the PACK IS BACK!!!
So, if you can't be in Wisconsin sitting back with a beer, (or for most packer fans a cooler full of beer next to the couch) a bag of cheese curds, and your cheese head on watching the PACK play on Thanksgiving Thursday, you might as well be in Athens, Greece. Right?
Or when you have to be away from family on Thanksgiving you might as well find other cheeseheads to be with (almost like being with family). Right?
After checking with "google" we found out that Athens had a sports bar that was playing the Packers VS Lions game at 7:30pm (12:30pm cheesehead time). We headed out of the hotel around 7pm and metroed two stops to the Aropolis metro stop. When we exited from the metro we could see the Temple of Athena Nike (yes the temple built for the Greek Goddess of Victory and the Greek Goddess the shoes are named after) shining above us. We entered the bar to find that we would be watching the game with some other Cheeseheads. To recongize a cheesehead in Athens you don't have to ask them where they are from. You don't even have to look for the Packer T-shirt, you just listen for the group that sounds and looks like they are from Canada. Which is what we did and we met a girl from Green Bay, and three girls from Milwaukee. We enjoyed our night with a warm turkey, gravy and bacon sandwich (dont ask me why they put bacon on the sandwich, but bacon does make everything better) and a glass of Mythos (Greek Beer) and some good old American football. A Packers victory makes a Thanksgiving in Athens one to remember.

Joe at the Sports Bar posing for the Packer Game.

Leave it up to Joe to find the best ice cream deal in Athens. This huge cone cost us 1.50 Euro which, is a great deal compared to the dinky McDonalds cones that cost 1Euro. And it was a twist cone!!!!!!!!!

This is Mars Hill. It is where Apostle Paul first preached the Gospel in Greece. We had a picnic lunch on the top of the hill and enjoyed the sunshine and some good prayer time.

A distant view of the Acropolis---dont mind the construction in the distant, just act like its not there.
Even in Greece people know that the PACK IS BACK!!!
So, if you can't be in Wisconsin sitting back with a beer, (or for most packer fans a cooler full of beer next to the couch) a bag of cheese curds, and your cheese head on watching the PACK play on Thanksgiving Thursday, you might as well be in Athens, Greece. Right?
Or when you have to be away from family on Thanksgiving you might as well find other cheeseheads to be with (almost like being with family). Right?
After checking with "google" we found out that Athens had a sports bar that was playing the Packers VS Lions game at 7:30pm (12:30pm cheesehead time). We headed out of the hotel around 7pm and metroed two stops to the Aropolis metro stop. When we exited from the metro we could see the Temple of Athena Nike (yes the temple built for the Greek Goddess of Victory and the Greek Goddess the shoes are named after) shining above us. We entered the bar to find that we would be watching the game with some other Cheeseheads. To recongize a cheesehead in Athens you don't have to ask them where they are from. You don't even have to look for the Packer T-shirt, you just listen for the group that sounds and looks like they are from Canada. Which is what we did and we met a girl from Green Bay, and three girls from Milwaukee. We enjoyed our night with a warm turkey, gravy and bacon sandwich (dont ask me why they put bacon on the sandwich, but bacon does make everything better) and a glass of Mythos (Greek Beer) and some good old American football. A Packers victory makes a Thanksgiving in Athens one to remember.

Joe at the Sports Bar posing for the Packer Game.

Leave it up to Joe to find the best ice cream deal in Athens. This huge cone cost us 1.50 Euro which, is a great deal compared to the dinky McDonalds cones that cost 1Euro. And it was a twist cone!!!!!!!!!

This is Mars Hill. It is where Apostle Paul first preached the Gospel in Greece. We had a picnic lunch on the top of the hill and enjoyed the sunshine and some good prayer time.

A distant view of the Acropolis---dont mind the construction in the distant, just act like its not there.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Miracle...Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Our last few days in Turkey, was a complete blast. We went to stay with a new host, and loved every minute of it. We stayed with Tugba and her sister Shebnya(sp?). Tugba spoke very good English and her sister was still learning how to speak the language. As Shebyna was still a student she was not able to tour around the city with us over the weekend, because she had to stay home and study.
As Monday rolled around, Tugba was forced to go to work and Shebnya, Joe, and I hung out all day. Shebnya was The Miracle. I pulled my ripped bluejeans out of my suitcase and fumbled through the Turkish/English dictionary and tried to find the Turkish word for TAILOR. Shebnya understood what I needed. She quickly put on her shoes and was out the door. She was literally gone for 5 minutes( I know Joe says I exaggerate but, he confirms that this is the truth), she came through the door with my pants patched and the best part is she got it done for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should write a book called "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." ha ha ha
We enjoyed our time with these sisters. They made sure we were immersed in the Turkish culture, making us try foods, listen to music, and see EVERYTHING(literally) in Istanbul. We feel like we have known them forever. I think this will be a true friendship.

On the ferry from the Asia side of Istanbul to the Europe side of Istanbul. This is just like a bus and only costs 1.30 YTL which is about a dollar. It was awesome.

On the ferry at night going to the bus station to head to Greece.

Breakfast with Tugba and Shebnya- eggs with turkish sausage, fresh warm bread, homemade apricot jam, olives, cheese, and chocolate spread and Turkish tea(the most important part of a meal)

This is the remains of some fish that Tugba and I (Ashley) ate. I was a little hesitant at first, but soon realized this was the best fish I have ever eaten.

Tugba and Joe tasting some weird Turkish sweet-it was walnuts wrapped in some sort of weird gel-like candy. Joe thought it was OK, which means it was nasty.

This was at a restaurant that Tugba took us to, this was a woman who sat in the window making this delicious type of bread(similar to a tortilla). For dinner I had this with cheese and potato inside. I dont stray to far from the cheese and carbs, they are always safe.

Tugba and I at a market during our city tour.
As Monday rolled around, Tugba was forced to go to work and Shebnya, Joe, and I hung out all day. Shebnya was The Miracle. I pulled my ripped bluejeans out of my suitcase and fumbled through the Turkish/English dictionary and tried to find the Turkish word for TAILOR. Shebnya understood what I needed. She quickly put on her shoes and was out the door. She was literally gone for 5 minutes( I know Joe says I exaggerate but, he confirms that this is the truth), she came through the door with my pants patched and the best part is she got it done for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should write a book called "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." ha ha ha
We enjoyed our time with these sisters. They made sure we were immersed in the Turkish culture, making us try foods, listen to music, and see EVERYTHING(literally) in Istanbul. We feel like we have known them forever. I think this will be a true friendship.
On the ferry from the Asia side of Istanbul to the Europe side of Istanbul. This is just like a bus and only costs 1.30 YTL which is about a dollar. It was awesome.
On the ferry at night going to the bus station to head to Greece.
Breakfast with Tugba and Shebnya- eggs with turkish sausage, fresh warm bread, homemade apricot jam, olives, cheese, and chocolate spread and Turkish tea(the most important part of a meal)
This is the remains of some fish that Tugba and I (Ashley) ate. I was a little hesitant at first, but soon realized this was the best fish I have ever eaten.
Tugba and Joe tasting some weird Turkish sweet-it was walnuts wrapped in some sort of weird gel-like candy. Joe thought it was OK, which means it was nasty.
This was at a restaurant that Tugba took us to, this was a woman who sat in the window making this delicious type of bread(similar to a tortilla). For dinner I had this with cheese and potato inside. I dont stray to far from the cheese and carbs, they are always safe.
Tugba and I at a market during our city tour.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Stıll ın Turkey...
FYI- I am wrıtıng thıs blog ın my fleece pants.(I am currently searchıng for a new paır of jeans, but ıt ıs not easy when you are short.)
Sorry ıf we have mıss ınformed some of you but we wıll fırst be goıng to Greece next week and then on to Syrıa for the last destınatıon of our trıp.
Now, down to busıness. We have been ın Istanbul for the past 4 days. Istanbul has a unıque posıtıonıng ın the country, ıt ıs actually on two dıfferent contınents, Asıa and Europe. Istanbul ıs dıvıded by a body of water that places the cıty on two contıents. We are currently stayıng on the Asıa sıde. The ıs our fırst tıme ın Asıa!!!
Istanbul ıs very ınterestıng because ıt ıs where the East culture meets the West culture. So, although ıt ıs 99% Muslım, you do not see the tradatıonal clothıng or relıgıous rıtuals as you would ın other Islamıc countrıes. You stıll hear the call to prayer comıng from the mosques but you dont see men prayıng ın the corners of resturaunts or on the street durıng prayer tımes. Turkey ıs the only Islamıc country whıch has ıncluded secularıam ın theır constıtutıon and guarantees complete freedom of worshıp to non-Muslıms.

The Aya Sophıa was buılt by Emperor Justınıan and was completed ın 547 as a church. It reıgned as the greatest church ın Chrıstendom untıl the Muslım conquest of 1453. At thıs tıme Mehmet the Conqueror had ıt converted ınto a mosque and ıt remaınd untıl 1935, when ıt was turned ınto a museum.

The Blue Mosque was buılt by Sultan AhmetI ın 1603-1617, he set out to buıld a monument that would rıval and surpass the Aya Sophıa ın grandeur and bueaty.
You be the judge.

Here ıs at the bay, wıth "a mıllıon" fıshermen lıned up for the catch of the day.

Lunchtıme- Pıta wıth sheep cheese and a coke.....yummy!!!!!
Oh and plans are developıng on the Syrıan Vısa, I can not dısclose the detaıls as they are not completed at thıs tıme. I wıll post them as soon as our mıssıon ıs completed!
Sorry ıf we have mıss ınformed some of you but we wıll fırst be goıng to Greece next week and then on to Syrıa for the last destınatıon of our trıp.
Now, down to busıness. We have been ın Istanbul for the past 4 days. Istanbul has a unıque posıtıonıng ın the country, ıt ıs actually on two dıfferent contınents, Asıa and Europe. Istanbul ıs dıvıded by a body of water that places the cıty on two contıents. We are currently stayıng on the Asıa sıde. The ıs our fırst tıme ın Asıa!!!
Istanbul ıs very ınterestıng because ıt ıs where the East culture meets the West culture. So, although ıt ıs 99% Muslım, you do not see the tradatıonal clothıng or relıgıous rıtuals as you would ın other Islamıc countrıes. You stıll hear the call to prayer comıng from the mosques but you dont see men prayıng ın the corners of resturaunts or on the street durıng prayer tımes. Turkey ıs the only Islamıc country whıch has ıncluded secularıam ın theır constıtutıon and guarantees complete freedom of worshıp to non-Muslıms.
The Aya Sophıa was buılt by Emperor Justınıan and was completed ın 547 as a church. It reıgned as the greatest church ın Chrıstendom untıl the Muslım conquest of 1453. At thıs tıme Mehmet the Conqueror had ıt converted ınto a mosque and ıt remaınd untıl 1935, when ıt was turned ınto a museum.
The Blue Mosque was buılt by Sultan AhmetI ın 1603-1617, he set out to buıld a monument that would rıval and surpass the Aya Sophıa ın grandeur and bueaty.
You be the judge.
Here ıs at the bay, wıth "a mıllıon" fıshermen lıned up for the catch of the day.

Lunchtıme- Pıta wıth sheep cheese and a coke.....yummy!!!!!
Oh and plans are developıng on the Syrıan Vısa, I can not dısclose the detaıls as they are not completed at thıs tıme. I wıll post them as soon as our mıssıon ıs completed!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Comıc Relıef and Delıma #2
To: those of you who have made our stressful siuatio funny
Thanks for the comıc relıef. Joe and I just sat ın the computer lab laughıng outloud, and gettıng weırd looks from all of the local folks. The comments were much needed. But, a new delıma has arrıved...
So at the beginng of our trıp I strategically chose all of my clothes for the trıp knowıng I would be wearıng them for 3 months straıght. My best purchase was a brand new paır of jeans. I had packed 3 pairs of pants, fleece pants, my brand new jeans, and an old paır of jeans. Well, here ıs where the delıma comes ınto play. My fırst paır of jeans has been out of commıssıon for sometıme now due to a hole ın the upper ınsıde leg area(ıf you know what ı mean), but just today my BRAND NEW paır of jeans incurred the same problem. I am now down to my fleece pants....sweet...everyone ın Europe ıs wearıng fleece pants ın 60 degree weather. The budget ıs low and I have fleece pants to cover my bottom....what ıs a gırl to do?
To most of you thıs may not seem lıke a delıma, but trust me ıt ıs!!!!!!
Thanks for the comıc relıef. Joe and I just sat ın the computer lab laughıng outloud, and gettıng weırd looks from all of the local folks. The comments were much needed. But, a new delıma has arrıved...
So at the beginng of our trıp I strategically chose all of my clothes for the trıp knowıng I would be wearıng them for 3 months straıght. My best purchase was a brand new paır of jeans. I had packed 3 pairs of pants, fleece pants, my brand new jeans, and an old paır of jeans. Well, here ıs where the delıma comes ınto play. My fırst paır of jeans has been out of commıssıon for sometıme now due to a hole ın the upper ınsıde leg area(ıf you know what ı mean), but just today my BRAND NEW paır of jeans incurred the same problem. I am now down to my fleece pants....sweet...everyone ın Europe ıs wearıng fleece pants ın 60 degree weather. The budget ıs low and I have fleece pants to cover my bottom....what ıs a gırl to do?
To most of you thıs may not seem lıke a delıma, but trust me ıt ıs!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Our Latest Delıma
At the break of dawn, Joe and I arose from our nıce warm bed and set off for the Syrıan Consulate ın Turkey(It ıs unusually cold here ın Turkey rıght now). After a 1hour commute, alot of wanderıng, some bıckerıng, we had arrıved! We had our Vısa applıcatıons ın hand, fılled out and were ready to conquer our task, as we waıted ın lıne, people were beıng granted theır vısas left and rıght. When we got up to the counter, they looked at our passports, saw we were Amerıcan and saıd, "nope, sorry, no Amerıcans are allowed to get Syrıan vısas ın Turkey, you may only obtaın them ın DC." So as our hopes were crushed, we walked down the street, and are now at an ınternet cafe, tryıng to fıgure out what the heck to do next? Lıke I saıd, we are always problem solvıng. Here are the optıons we have come up wıth:
--traın to the Syrıan Border and hope to meet some really nıce Border Guards who wıll gıve us a vısa(wıth thıs we thınk we mıght have to waıt at the border for hours)
--fly ınto Beruıt,Lebannon, whıch we are guarnteed a vısa(well we have read thıs on the ınternet) at the border of Lebanon and Syrıa, but thıs optıon ıs quıte prıcey
--fınd a ferry that wıll take us to Lebanon and cross the border there, but we are not sure there are even ferrıes that wıll take us to Lebanon from Greece
What to do, What to do?
For all you Moms and Grandmas out there, dont worry, we are beıng safe and we are seekıng advıce from all of our Turkısh hosts.
--traın to the Syrıan Border and hope to meet some really nıce Border Guards who wıll gıve us a vısa(wıth thıs we thınk we mıght have to waıt at the border for hours)
--fly ınto Beruıt,Lebannon, whıch we are guarnteed a vısa(well we have read thıs on the ınternet) at the border of Lebanon and Syrıa, but thıs optıon ıs quıte prıcey
--fınd a ferry that wıll take us to Lebanon and cross the border there, but we are not sure there are even ferrıes that wıll take us to Lebanon from Greece
What to do, What to do?
For all you Moms and Grandmas out there, dont worry, we are beıng safe and we are seekıng advıce from all of our Turkısh hosts.
Monday, November 12, 2007
2 month marker
Joe and I have been traveling for two months today. Here is our 2 month stats:
1 sketchy host
1 not so friendly host who bashed America the whole time we were staying with him
11 sweet hosts
13 countries
7 curriencies
2 creepy hotels
2 welcoming hostels
1 super small hotel room
2 pensions (places to stay)
2 friends met up with us
22 games of phase 10, Joe is now in the lead by one game
3 duck dinners
7 great Italian Meals
endless packs of these delicious chocolate cookies and Rittersport Chocolate bars
and our most proud stat is that we ate 3 Gelatto cones in 3 hours in Venice
We are now back in Frankfurt, Germany where we orginally started our journey. We have stayed here a few nights and tonight we are flying into Istanbul, Turkey. It has been nice to relax and rest up for a few days before continuing on, traveling is more exhausting than you would think. Joe and I have decided that so far our traveling has been one big "problem.", kind of like a math problem, we are always trying to figure out how to do things. It is mind stretching and exhausting.

I forgot to tell you that on our way back to Frankfurt, we decided to get off in Munich for a tour of the city. Well, we got 1 hour into the 4 hour tour and decided that it was just WAY TOO cold. It was about 25 degrees with a blazing cold wind. Now that may not seem so bad, but remember we had just come from beautiful weather in Rome and we were both sick. So we were in Munich for a total of about 2! This was a picture of the Rauthaus, it was the new townhall(I think, I was too cold to really listen)

This was the view from our window on our way to Frankfurt. brrrrrr...

In Frankfurt, Joe had to hang out in his long underware and shorts because I was doing laundry and he had nothing else to wear....he he he.
1 sketchy host
1 not so friendly host who bashed America the whole time we were staying with him
11 sweet hosts
13 countries
7 curriencies
2 creepy hotels
2 welcoming hostels
1 super small hotel room
2 pensions (places to stay)
2 friends met up with us
22 games of phase 10, Joe is now in the lead by one game
3 duck dinners
7 great Italian Meals
endless packs of these delicious chocolate cookies and Rittersport Chocolate bars
and our most proud stat is that we ate 3 Gelatto cones in 3 hours in Venice
We are now back in Frankfurt, Germany where we orginally started our journey. We have stayed here a few nights and tonight we are flying into Istanbul, Turkey. It has been nice to relax and rest up for a few days before continuing on, traveling is more exhausting than you would think. Joe and I have decided that so far our traveling has been one big "problem.", kind of like a math problem, we are always trying to figure out how to do things. It is mind stretching and exhausting.
I forgot to tell you that on our way back to Frankfurt, we decided to get off in Munich for a tour of the city. Well, we got 1 hour into the 4 hour tour and decided that it was just WAY TOO cold. It was about 25 degrees with a blazing cold wind. Now that may not seem so bad, but remember we had just come from beautiful weather in Rome and we were both sick. So we were in Munich for a total of about 2! This was a picture of the Rauthaus, it was the new townhall(I think, I was too cold to really listen)
This was the view from our window on our way to Frankfurt. brrrrrr...

In Frankfurt, Joe had to hang out in his long underware and shorts because I was doing laundry and he had nothing else to wear....he he he.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Collessuem, The Pantheon, ancient ruins, historical churches, The Vatician, the tomb of St. Peter and the tombs of previous Popes....we saw alot, but the one thing we missed was the Sistine Chapel, yes folks, Joe and I missed the Sistine Chapel.
You ask how?
Well, we awoke in the morning headed out for a lovely day, when we arrived at the bus station and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, until finally we found out there was a transportation strike. So we walked the long distance to The Vatican and the Vatican Museum(where the Sistine Chapel is located). As we were approaching The Vatican, there was a huge line to get into the church so we patiently waited. As we entered The Vatican Church we were in awe of it's bueaty. The TV does not do it justice. After marveling at The Vatican with it's various types of marble archticture, the statues, and everything in it, we set out to look at the tombs of past Popes. We were able to see the tomb of Pope John Paul II. And then we were off to The Vatican Museum to see the Sistine Chapel, which we were both stoked about. Little did we know that they had just changed their hours to "winter hours" so the museum was only open from 10-1:30, so our hopes of seeing the Sistine Chapel were quickly crushed. We had offically missed it, we had gotten to the ticket office at 1:32, and the doors were shut. As we soloemly, walked down the street, with drooping faces, I had to recall the words of my wise little sister, We missed the Sistine Chapel "NO BIG DEAL". We blame missing the Sistine Chapel on the transportation strike, because if we wouldnt have had to wait for a non-existing bus or walk to the museum we wouldnt have missed it....ugh. So we ended our sad day with some comfort food, I had a latte, Joe had a beer with Pizza and hot fudge sundaes for desert. I guess it wasn't so bad.
PS the internet cafe we are at will not let me post pictures, so i will post some tomorrow....stay tuned.

Joe and I had decided to have a picnic lunch in the beautiful weather outside The Collessuem

Joe and I inside The Collessuem.

The Vatician Church
You ask how?
Well, we awoke in the morning headed out for a lovely day, when we arrived at the bus station and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, until finally we found out there was a transportation strike. So we walked the long distance to The Vatican and the Vatican Museum(where the Sistine Chapel is located). As we were approaching The Vatican, there was a huge line to get into the church so we patiently waited. As we entered The Vatican Church we were in awe of it's bueaty. The TV does not do it justice. After marveling at The Vatican with it's various types of marble archticture, the statues, and everything in it, we set out to look at the tombs of past Popes. We were able to see the tomb of Pope John Paul II. And then we were off to The Vatican Museum to see the Sistine Chapel, which we were both stoked about. Little did we know that they had just changed their hours to "winter hours" so the museum was only open from 10-1:30, so our hopes of seeing the Sistine Chapel were quickly crushed. We had offically missed it, we had gotten to the ticket office at 1:32, and the doors were shut. As we soloemly, walked down the street, with drooping faces, I had to recall the words of my wise little sister, We missed the Sistine Chapel "NO BIG DEAL". We blame missing the Sistine Chapel on the transportation strike, because if we wouldnt have had to wait for a non-existing bus or walk to the museum we wouldnt have missed it....ugh. So we ended our sad day with some comfort food, I had a latte, Joe had a beer with Pizza and hot fudge sundaes for desert. I guess it wasn't so bad.
PS the internet cafe we are at will not let me post pictures, so i will post some tomorrow....stay tuned.
Joe and I had decided to have a picnic lunch in the beautiful weather outside The Collessuem
Joe and I inside The Collessuem.
The Vatician Church
Friday, November 9, 2007
Venice- Sick and Tired
No, no, no, we are not sick and tired of traveling or of Italy. We are literally sick and tired. During our time in Naples, we caught quite a cold the day we left and brought it with us to Venice. Instead of enjoying the most romantic city in the world, joe and I walked around the city blowing our romantic. Eventhough we were a bit under the weather, we still loved Venice. It is a city of canals. In the canals, boats are used for almost everything, they are basically no cars and most of the transportation is done on the waterway. It is kind of like a whole different world. We saw a couple, who had just been married "boating" away from the church, their bus system is on water, police, ambulances, city traffic, tours, construction boats filled with cement with cranes; EVERYTHING is done on water here.
We also had a great time with our host, Rosella. She was recommended to us by our friends Jen and Jag(who told us about Servas). She was like an angel. We were not feeling well when we came in from the train station, and she picked us up by car, Which, is such a blessing not to have to navigate a forgien city by yourself in the dark, she cooked us amazing food, gave us her bedroom to sleep, while she slept on the couch, and washed our clothes. She was GREAT. We enjoyed her company, we had good conversation and it was a nice relaxing atmosphere. Hats off to Rosella. :)

Joe by the "bus" station....or boat station.

This is what the waterways look like, you can see a bit of the boat traffic.

This is at dinner with our wonderful host, Rosella. We are enjoying good Italian wine and food!!!
We also had a great time with our host, Rosella. She was recommended to us by our friends Jen and Jag(who told us about Servas). She was like an angel. We were not feeling well when we came in from the train station, and she picked us up by car, Which, is such a blessing not to have to navigate a forgien city by yourself in the dark, she cooked us amazing food, gave us her bedroom to sleep, while she slept on the couch, and washed our clothes. She was GREAT. We enjoyed her company, we had good conversation and it was a nice relaxing atmosphere. Hats off to Rosella. :)
Joe by the "bus" station....or boat station.
This is what the waterways look like, you can see a bit of the boat traffic.
This is at dinner with our wonderful host, Rosella. We are enjoying good Italian wine and food!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Genova-Cinque Terre- Naples
Genova: We had some great guests in Genova. It was a family of four and I guess Joe and I would describe them as a typical Italian family. We were in Genova on Halloween, which is not a very popular holiday in Italy, but our host family was celebrating it with their friends. So Joe and I went along for the joy ride as the children knocked on doors of neighbors who had no idea what they were doing. It was quite comical.

Cinque Terre(Manarola): We are absolutely in love with Cinque Terre, Italy. You have not experienced Italy unless you have been here. It is a series of 5 little towns set up on cliff sides with the Mediterranean Sea below. WE LOVE CINQUE TERRE, just look at the pictures.

Naples: This has been a great, unexpected stop. We are staying with a family that lives literally 10 feet from the Mediterranean Sea and steps from numerous Roman archaeological sites. They also have a view of Mt.Vesuvius (the volcano that destroyed Pompeii) from there back deck. It was a pleasant surprise. It is a family of three. They have an 18 yr. old son Milo. It has also been a great stop because they do not speak alot of English and we do not speak Italian, needless to say it has been fun. We have had great food, laughs, and hospitality here.

Cinque Terre(Manarola): We are absolutely in love with Cinque Terre, Italy. You have not experienced Italy unless you have been here. It is a series of 5 little towns set up on cliff sides with the Mediterranean Sea below. WE LOVE CINQUE TERRE, just look at the pictures.
Naples: This has been a great, unexpected stop. We are staying with a family that lives literally 10 feet from the Mediterranean Sea and steps from numerous Roman archaeological sites. They also have a view of Mt.Vesuvius (the volcano that destroyed Pompeii) from there back deck. It was a pleasant surprise. It is a family of three. They have an 18 yr. old son Milo. It has also been a great stop because they do not speak alot of English and we do not speak Italian, needless to say it has been fun. We have had great food, laughs, and hospitality here.
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