For those of you out there that have not heard Kenny Chesney's new song "Shift Work", you need to go to itunes right away and download it.
Joe and I have decided this song pretty much sums up our time here in Sewer City working for the Temp Agency. Joe is the king of shift work, he so far has worked at the local honey plant (Sue Bee Honey), moved furniture, loaded trucks with radiated cow protein(we are hoping he doesn't have cancer now), and put together displays at the local JC Pennys. Temp work is refining all of his handy man skills. I, on the other hand did not get my substitute license approved until today, because, for some odd reason, I had a red flag on my FBI background check....go figure. Maybe it was all the sketchy countries we tooled around in.....hmmmm. So needless to say, I have also run the gamut of odd jobs, only on the clerical side, where as joe works in the "light industrial" side of temp work.
The one temp job we were fortunate to do together was work for the Sioux City or Sewer City transportation department. This basically means we rode on the public buses all day long, asking people to fill out surveys and counting passengers that got on and off the bus. It was quite the day, I think I could make a million dollars if I were to write a book about it, let's just say the people who ride the bus are interesting. But the best story of the day is....after working for 13 hours riding the buses, Joe and I decided to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things. As I am waiting in line at the deli counter, I hear a man yelling "Hey Lady, I know you," from across the store and I had this sinking sensation he was talking to me. The man had on boots like Napoleon Dynamite, swishy workout pants, a dirty sweater and he had no teeth. I recognized the man from the bus that I rode all day, and instantly wanted to disappear. He continued to yell that I should call up the bus depot and order him a bus to come pick him up, because he has to take a cab home and they are expensive because the bus doesn't run this late. I proceeded to tell him I was off duty so I couldn't help him, and walked away quickly. As I got back in the car I was laughing hysterically and had to tell Joe what had just happened. UNBELIEVABLE. Life in Sioux City, Iowa is UNBELIEVABLE.
We have decided that we are happy that we don't ever have to be apart of "Shift Work" and work for minimum wage ever again after our hiatus. I mean if we go to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone for the the both of us, they are worth a half an hour of pay, what a rip off. We now think of our purchases in how many hours we will have to work to pay for it. And when you are working for $7.25 an hour it doesn't go very far.
"SHI-f-T Work!"
Here is the refrain of Kenny Chesney's song, but don't just read the lyrics, you HAVE to listen to the song to get the full effect.
Talking about a bunch of shift work
A big ol' pile of shift work
Seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven