Peace Corps Address

Joe's cell #

Ashley's cell #

Sunday, August 2, 2009

6 Years

Ashley and I celebrated our sixth year wedding anniversary last week. It has been a WONDERFUL adventure and I am more in love today than I was six years ago.


  1. joe and Ashley happy aniversery!God bless u for what u both are doing. its amazing what u both have already done. if its in Gods plan i want be able to come visit. Love u both a great deal. May God be with u always

  2. I remember your wedding 6 years ago!! What a fun and wonderful day. It's so cool to hear you are more in love. Marriage is great.

  3. Joseph and Ashley,
    Fantastic! Half way to a dozen. I am glad to have met you both during these last 6 years. The pictures tell so much about the adventure that marriage has been for you both. I wonder what this year will bring to your lives?

    Blessings upon you both!


  4. Hi Joe and Ashley,

    Happy 6th wedding anniversary!!!!
    You two are met for one another and it shows all the time. It's great you both are more in love and enjoying life together.

    Love Jody,Ben and Anna

  5. I am so blessed to have you Joe as my son in law, and to know that you love and cherish "my little brown bear" as much as I do. Thank you for loving my daughter. And Ashley, I Thank the Lord for making you, you. May the next 60 years be filled with the Love of Today. doobers

  6. You two are a beautiful pair! God's blessings for many more years together. It was so great yesterday to hear Ingrid and Ashley talking on the phone-just like old times. Love, Sue

  7. A belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you!!


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