For all of you who leave comments...THANK YOU. It is so nice to read them, I look forward to it everytime I am at a computer. Although, Joe knows I will become teary eyed everytime I read them. How am I going to survive in the Peace Corps in the middle of Africa, I am afraid I might not, less alone the next 2 months. I am looking forward to meeting up with our Kiwi friends in Barcelona and also with Joanna(Joes sister), just to have some comfort.
Secondly, I am no longer going to number the days b/c I am completely off and totally confused as all of our days are running together. When we go to buy our train tickets we always have to ask the teller what day of the week and date it is, so needless to say we have lost track.
I must say training into Bucharest I was a bit sketched(is that really a word) out. Joe and I described it as driving into Mexico. The houses were unrecognizible, no grass, just dirt, and everywhere is completely filthy with trash. Again, it is in a poor state b/c of the dicatorship control. I am really beginning to realize that Freedom is so precious. I think that in the US we really dont think about this at all, but in these cities just looking around is a daily reminder of what these people went through. Our hosts talked about the food rations, how elecricity was cut off for about two hours in the dead of winter each day to "conserve" energy, ummm...they explained that the TV was only on for about an hour a day and it was mostly all political shows, to convince the people that Dicator(Nicolae Ceausescu) was a good interesting. Ceausescu was put to death in the Romanian Revolution of 1989, or murdered after a 3 day political trial. I love FREEDOM!!!!!
They had also explained how communism lowered the moral of the people, bc you did what ever you had to do to get what you needed, for instance you the grocery stores would not distribute the food equally, only if you had something to give them was one man for himself to survive.
Our hosts are great, they have only been married for 5 months and are in their early thirties. We are so greatful to be staying with locals. It is enriching.
Peace Corps Address
Joe's cell #
Ashley's cell #
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
why i like budapest by joe wollersheim
the 9 reasons why i like budapest
1. a scoop of gelato in a cone only costs 13O Forint (about 65 cents).
2. the second scoop of gelato in a cone only costs 13O Forint.
3. even on our tight budget i can have three gelato cones a day.
4. when i take out money at the ATM i get 1O,OOO Forint bills.
5. budepest has turkish bath houses (yesterday we went to the most famous one in Budapest). Most of the bath houses are just for men so we had to go to 4 bath houses before we came to this one that allowed woman. it had a swimming pool. a steam bath room where the water was 36 C (about 96 F) hot. a steam bath room where the water was 38 C (about 1OO F) hot. a steam room that the air was 5O C (about 12O F)hot. and then if you got too warm they had a cooling off pool that was 9 C (about 48F).
6. the people in budapest have been very friendly to us.
7. the communists are not in control of hungary any longer.
8. the castles on the buda side of the river are beautiful.
9. when i am done with this blog entry i will go have gelato.
1. a scoop of gelato in a cone only costs 13O Forint (about 65 cents).
2. the second scoop of gelato in a cone only costs 13O Forint.
3. even on our tight budget i can have three gelato cones a day.
4. when i take out money at the ATM i get 1O,OOO Forint bills.
5. budepest has turkish bath houses (yesterday we went to the most famous one in Budapest). Most of the bath houses are just for men so we had to go to 4 bath houses before we came to this one that allowed woman. it had a swimming pool. a steam bath room where the water was 36 C (about 96 F) hot. a steam bath room where the water was 38 C (about 1OO F) hot. a steam room that the air was 5O C (about 12O F)hot. and then if you got too warm they had a cooling off pool that was 9 C (about 48F).
6. the people in budapest have been very friendly to us.
7. the communists are not in control of hungary any longer.
8. the castles on the buda side of the river are beautiful.
9. when i am done with this blog entry i will go have gelato.
a boring blog: Day 12, 13, 14
Joe and I decided we must apoligize for the slightly boring blog of daily is more for the sake of our moms and pleasing them as they love to read the detailed iternaries. We love you moms.
Our travels to Vienna were great, although we only got to stay one night we felt as if we had walked the whole city. I can describe it as Grand. Every building was built with such detail and beauty. We stood and just marveled at each building and the churches.
Then on day 13 we were off to the capitol of Hungary, which is Budapest. As we were entering the city on the train we knew we had crossed over in Eastern Europe. It was a bit dreary and it didnt help that we arrived at dark. We bused to our host families house and made it safe and sound. We walked into a house with 2 naked kids running around bc they had just finished their baths. They are a younger couple with 4 children. This is very unheard of in Hungary. The children are Margarot 11, Tomas 9, Mikki 5, and Honey (such a cutie) 3. We have had a couple great dinners together and good conversation with Mom (Ildiko) and Dad (Peter) afterwards. The first night they told us all about Hungarys time during WW1 and WW2 and then how is was to be under Communist control until 1990. It was very fascinating.
The second night we met Grandpa and I helped Ildiko cut fabric pieces for a quilt she was making, while Joe put on and American Idol contest with the children. We laughed alot. Grandpa had asked Honey(3), why she wasnt speaking to her guests, she replied, "because the speak Hungarian" and then grandpa replied,"well then what do you speak?" Honey innocently said,"normally." Too funny.
With Servas it is customary to only stay 2 nights with a family unless they invite you to stay more, and last night the family asked us if we wanted to stay another night, so we will. Then we will move on to Bucharest, Romania tommorrow on a over night train. This time we did not book a seat. We booked a train car that has 6 beds, so we will see how this goes.
Miss you all, I have been feeling a bit homesick lately and Joe has had to deal with me. He is a good husband.
Our travels to Vienna were great, although we only got to stay one night we felt as if we had walked the whole city. I can describe it as Grand. Every building was built with such detail and beauty. We stood and just marveled at each building and the churches.
Then on day 13 we were off to the capitol of Hungary, which is Budapest. As we were entering the city on the train we knew we had crossed over in Eastern Europe. It was a bit dreary and it didnt help that we arrived at dark. We bused to our host families house and made it safe and sound. We walked into a house with 2 naked kids running around bc they had just finished their baths. They are a younger couple with 4 children. This is very unheard of in Hungary. The children are Margarot 11, Tomas 9, Mikki 5, and Honey (such a cutie) 3. We have had a couple great dinners together and good conversation with Mom (Ildiko) and Dad (Peter) afterwards. The first night they told us all about Hungarys time during WW1 and WW2 and then how is was to be under Communist control until 1990. It was very fascinating.
The second night we met Grandpa and I helped Ildiko cut fabric pieces for a quilt she was making, while Joe put on and American Idol contest with the children. We laughed alot. Grandpa had asked Honey(3), why she wasnt speaking to her guests, she replied, "because the speak Hungarian" and then grandpa replied,"well then what do you speak?" Honey innocently said,"normally." Too funny.
With Servas it is customary to only stay 2 nights with a family unless they invite you to stay more, and last night the family asked us if we wanted to stay another night, so we will. Then we will move on to Bucharest, Romania tommorrow on a over night train. This time we did not book a seat. We booked a train car that has 6 beds, so we will see how this goes.
Miss you all, I have been feeling a bit homesick lately and Joe has had to deal with me. He is a good husband.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I know that the first few pictures did not show up on the last posting, but just click on the link and you should be fine. I cant read german on the computer so i am unable to fix it. I need to learn another language!!!!
Pictures of host families
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Joe and I cruising on the trains. Each train is different, so it is kind of fun to see what type we will be on next.
ps. this is for our friend chad, who requsted more pictures....hope you appreciate it chad!!!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Day 10, 11-a beautiful train ride and a wonderful host
Day 10- Sorry it has been such a long time since we posted anything on the blog, somtimes it is hard to find a computer or internet cafe. Our ride from Zurich, Switzerland to Salzburg, Vienna, was absolutely georgeous. Joe and I sat and marveled at the mountians for seven hours, while playing cards.(phase 10 to be excact, we have an ongoing competition and it is tied as of right now). The Alps are breath taking. It made us feel a little more at home, being in a more cozy atmosphere in the mountains. We arrived at our guest home that night around 8.30 and were met by our host, Gerlinde, and another Servas traveller Matthew from France. It was very nice. Gerlinde, remindes me of my Tia( for those of you who dont know my tia, she is my moms aunt, and tia is aunt in spanish, she is a fun, loving, person). We all had great conversation over toasted cheese sandwiches and pictures of Gerlindes time in the US. She took two helicopter rides, one over NY and one over the Grand Canyon, we thought this we kind of funny. She had traveled to alot of national parks too, oh and dont forget LA. She also had made homemade syrup-this is a drink that is made with lemons, mint leaves, citronela leaves, and sugar, which makes a syrup that you pour into water....very tasty, i am going to get the recipe!
Day 11- We all had breakfast together and then Joe, Matthew(who was our age and cool) and I went to the Eagles Nest, or the tea house that was built for Hitler in 13 months for his 50 birthday, it is high in the Alps just over the Austrian border to Germany. Although the view was amazing, the teahouse was quite disappointing, it had been turned into a resturaunt(why anyone would want to eat there, i dont know) and there was not even a museum in the place, so we left there a bit disappointed and broke, b-c it cost so much to get there....a bit frustrating.
We then went into town and had lunch along the river. It was a beautiful day, everyone keeps telling us that we are very lucky with the weather, praise God, I dont think this would be quite as fun if it was cold and rainy. We then ended our day at a beer garden (yes jag and jenn we found it). This was a fun experience, it is a monk run brewery, with chesnut trees in the garden where you go and drink and eat. You could wash your own mug and pour your own beer for a cheaper price than being waited on. Kind of said that this garden holds around 1000 people, there was a live band also, who were singing classic American songs. At one point, all of the local Austrians in the packed garden, were singing the song "take me home, to the place where I belong, West Virgina, Mountian Mama, take me home, country road"(gotta love it, right jess, I was thinking of you the whole time). Although, we did think that this would have been fun with a bunch of our friends(who we miss), it was also fun for joe and i.
We are now headed to Vienna for the night and then onto Budapest, Hungry.
Day 11- We all had breakfast together and then Joe, Matthew(who was our age and cool) and I went to the Eagles Nest, or the tea house that was built for Hitler in 13 months for his 50 birthday, it is high in the Alps just over the Austrian border to Germany. Although the view was amazing, the teahouse was quite disappointing, it had been turned into a resturaunt(why anyone would want to eat there, i dont know) and there was not even a museum in the place, so we left there a bit disappointed and broke, b-c it cost so much to get there....a bit frustrating.
We then went into town and had lunch along the river. It was a beautiful day, everyone keeps telling us that we are very lucky with the weather, praise God, I dont think this would be quite as fun if it was cold and rainy. We then ended our day at a beer garden (yes jag and jenn we found it). This was a fun experience, it is a monk run brewery, with chesnut trees in the garden where you go and drink and eat. You could wash your own mug and pour your own beer for a cheaper price than being waited on. Kind of said that this garden holds around 1000 people, there was a live band also, who were singing classic American songs. At one point, all of the local Austrians in the packed garden, were singing the song "take me home, to the place where I belong, West Virgina, Mountian Mama, take me home, country road"(gotta love it, right jess, I was thinking of you the whole time). Although, we did think that this would have been fun with a bunch of our friends(who we miss), it was also fun for joe and i.
We are now headed to Vienna for the night and then onto Budapest, Hungry.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Day 8 and 9 - The Haag and an overnight ride
so we had to go to the haag. i couldnt be so close and not go. so we went. saw the netherlands parliment (one of only three countries in the world to not have their parliment in their nation capitol which is amsterdam). we also saw the peace palace where the international courts of justice are. other than that nothing too crazy going on in the haag.
after the haag we trained back to amsterdam (about 45 minute ride). from there we took the night train to basal, switzerland. we learned quickley that the crochette (basicly an airplane seat) is not the best way to try and get 8 hours of sleep. the comfort of the chair was ok but the wierd guy plazing the song "its raining men" all night was not ok. i think next time we will try the sleeper car with 6 people per room. when you have a small amount of money it makes you do things you would not normally do like sleep with 5 complete strangers in a crammed train car.
Day - 9
After a restless night, we decided to skip Geneva, b-c our friend Rob was a bit busy with wedding details, and continued on to Zurich, Switzerland. When we got in we planned just to get a hostel, no big deal, but we did not know that they were having a skateboarding convention in town so ever hostel was typical. So after wandering the city looking for an internet cafe for an hour(i did not go b-c i was not feeling well...poor joe), joe was able to find a a moderately priced hotel for the night. We took a short nap and went off to explore. We went to the city center and walked around...i think they seriously had an H and M on every corner. We then went and had dinner down by lake Zurich with the Alps in the background. Georgeous and relaxing.
Tommorrow we are off to Salzburg, Austria and will be staying with a Servas host, always interesting. She is an older single woman. We will let you all know how it goes.
after the haag we trained back to amsterdam (about 45 minute ride). from there we took the night train to basal, switzerland. we learned quickley that the crochette (basicly an airplane seat) is not the best way to try and get 8 hours of sleep. the comfort of the chair was ok but the wierd guy plazing the song "its raining men" all night was not ok. i think next time we will try the sleeper car with 6 people per room. when you have a small amount of money it makes you do things you would not normally do like sleep with 5 complete strangers in a crammed train car.
Day - 9
After a restless night, we decided to skip Geneva, b-c our friend Rob was a bit busy with wedding details, and continued on to Zurich, Switzerland. When we got in we planned just to get a hostel, no big deal, but we did not know that they were having a skateboarding convention in town so ever hostel was typical. So after wandering the city looking for an internet cafe for an hour(i did not go b-c i was not feeling well...poor joe), joe was able to find a a moderately priced hotel for the night. We took a short nap and went off to explore. We went to the city center and walked around...i think they seriously had an H and M on every corner. We then went and had dinner down by lake Zurich with the Alps in the background. Georgeous and relaxing.
Tommorrow we are off to Salzburg, Austria and will be staying with a Servas host, always interesting. She is an older single woman. We will let you all know how it goes.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Pictures of Amsterdam
Joe's Koffe Talk
so far europe has been wonderful. it is truly a great adventure. yesterday it was the first day i felt like we were on vacation as we toured amsterdam which is a very, very interesting city. the red light district is not what i thought it would be. the dutch have so normalized prostitution that you see parents pushing their kids in strollers through the district. you see tourists eating in a pizza restaurant and right next door a woman in a glass booth attempting to entice men into it for sex. the dutch have done the same with marijuana. everyone smokes it...everyone. two nights ago ashley and i stayed in the Hotel Amigo a former 1/2 star hotel that they decided to place two sets of bunk beds in each room and call it a hostel. ashley and i were in two separate rooms (booking error on's part). one of my roommates in my "trashy dorm" was Shawn who was from Austin, TX. Shawn had a redneck Texas accent and kind of looked like a hillbilly...short, beer belly, balding, and dressed goofy, yet a very non-threatening guy. based on first impressions i was guessing that shawn was not a crazy hippie...but when i got back in my room that evening i went to use the bathroom and shawn had spilled some of his bud or should we say "wacky tobaccy" in the sink. but that is not the funny part. we checked out of the hostel from hell early in the morning to go tour the city. after we got our morning coffee we ran into Shawn...acting as nice and goofy as he had when we first met him, yet still seeming like a total redneck from texas. we talked for a while and then decided to go our separate ways so we said "goodbye" and Shawn said "we'll, see you guys...i guess its time for tea and a bong hit". so funny!!
Day 6, 7- Amsterdam
Well, after our creepy expreience in the hostel, we decided to get up early the next day, just to get the heck out of the place. So we rose at abuot 7:30am and headed off to see the city. We have decided we like Amsterdam very much. Besides all of the "sin"that happens here, this place has alot of cool history, shops( the martin girls need to do a shopping trip here, there are second hand shops galore, and joe is not as good of a shopping partner as my mom and sisters), eateries, and people. We could people watch all day. Anyway, we started the day with a 3 hour walking tour, which was great, we got to know the city by foot which was very beneficial. In the tour, we walked to markets, the red light district(in the day, of course), canals, learned about the history, got familiar with the museums, and got some good excerise. We then decided to make our way to the Heinken Brewery for a tour. This was a good way to end a tiring day. After the tour of the Brewery, we went off to meet our hosts, they live in Bussum, about a 20min train ride from the city. We knew that they had to be better than the hostel, so it could only get better. When we got off the train we entered a beautiful neighbor with MASSIVE houses, sweet! We were met at the door by a man(Maarten), who was very friendly and quite humorus. He and his wife and three children live in a old, restored, georgeous home. We had a restful night and feel quite comfortable at their home, in fact Joe is playing video games with the boys now!!!!
Day 7- We slept in had coffee with Rosyline(mom) and went to the city to tour a old quaint, swanky village named Jorrdan. Our day also included a tour of Anne Franks house. The hiding place where her and here family took refuge from the Nazi's. It is the place where she wrote in her diary and later became the famous book. Sad and intiguing. We now at home, and are soon going to have dinner with the family. SMells good.
We will leave tomorrow night, for our first night train experience to Geneva, Switzerland. THere we are going to visit our friend Rob, from DC, we met him at church. It will be nice to have some familiar faces around.
until then...
Day 7- We slept in had coffee with Rosyline(mom) and went to the city to tour a old quaint, swanky village named Jorrdan. Our day also included a tour of Anne Franks house. The hiding place where her and here family took refuge from the Nazi's. It is the place where she wrote in her diary and later became the famous book. Sad and intiguing. We now at home, and are soon going to have dinner with the family. SMells good.
We will leave tomorrow night, for our first night train experience to Geneva, Switzerland. THere we are going to visit our friend Rob, from DC, we met him at church. It will be nice to have some familiar faces around.
until then...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Day 5- Travel to Amsterdam
Today was quite exhausting, we were up at 5:00, bc our host insisted that we have one last meal, bread and cheese, Joe and I really couldnt turn it down. So we had breakfast and a bit of coffee and then Claus took us to the train station. From there we had to transfer 2 different trains today and just arrived at our hostel at 9pm. So as you can see we are a bit tired and hungry. Traveling to the hostel, we missed our stop on the Tram and went all the way to the end of the line only to have to turn around and go back 14 stops from the end...stupid!!!! So when we were trying to find our hostel we stopped at another local hotel to ask for directions, the attendant told joe, we were in for a real "treat" - a fancy one star hotel...great!!!! As we walked through the entrance we walked up super steep, old red carpeted stairs, only to find out that they book us in seperate rooms....double great! We argued with the front desk for a bit and decided that it would be best for me to be in an all girls room and for joe to explore the room of unknown characters....
It actually isnt that bad, it is only one night and then we are off to the countryside of Amsterdam. Don't worry mom and Sue, we are safe. :)
It actually isnt that bad, it is only one night and then we are off to the countryside of Amsterdam. Don't worry mom and Sue, we are safe. :)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Day 4- Copenhagen, Denmark
We arrived safetly last night at our hosts house, we have our own apt. room in the basement of the flat that he and his wife life in. It is a bit like a cellar, not to cozy. His wife is on vacation, so he has been doing the cooking for us. Last night Claus(the host) made us steak with salad and potatoes, with red wine and ice cream for dessert. It was quite nice. Today we woke up to warm bread and cheese with coffee. We feel like we are eating like royalty, so much for the European Diet joe and I were hoping for. Tonight when we get home from touring the city, he said he wants to make us Thai food. I am a litte weary but will try it.
Today we toured the city, we went to a place called Chritiania. It was once owned by the Danish military and when they abandoned it in the 70's it was taken over by squatters, hippies and idealists. It was quite interesting. They just made marajuana illegal there about a year ago, well it was always illegal there, but no one paid attentition to it....but we sure did smell alot of it. 200 people live there now, Joe and I think it was probably what Haight and Ashbury Street in San Fransico once looked like. They forbid fotos so we werent able to take any. I think Joe and I were the only ones dressed normal and drinking coke...gotta love it.
We then walked around the canals and had a typical Danish hotdog, if you will, for lunch. It is a delicious sasuage like hotdog in a baguette bread, how beautiful!!!! I had remembered these from the last time I was in Copenhagen and told Joe it was a must. After he finished, he agreed. We are on to Amsterdam tomorrow, on an early train. We havent gotten on eachother nerves yet which is good, we are still lovin' eachother and our travels. We will see how long that lasts...ha ha ha.
much love,
oh and write comments cause we want to know what is going on with everyone, we feel a little disconnected.
Today we toured the city, we went to a place called Chritiania. It was once owned by the Danish military and when they abandoned it in the 70's it was taken over by squatters, hippies and idealists. It was quite interesting. They just made marajuana illegal there about a year ago, well it was always illegal there, but no one paid attentition to it....but we sure did smell alot of it. 200 people live there now, Joe and I think it was probably what Haight and Ashbury Street in San Fransico once looked like. They forbid fotos so we werent able to take any. I think Joe and I were the only ones dressed normal and drinking coke...gotta love it.
We then walked around the canals and had a typical Danish hotdog, if you will, for lunch. It is a delicious sasuage like hotdog in a baguette bread, how beautiful!!!! I had remembered these from the last time I was in Copenhagen and told Joe it was a must. After he finished, he agreed. We are on to Amsterdam tomorrow, on an early train. We havent gotten on eachother nerves yet which is good, we are still lovin' eachother and our travels. We will see how long that lasts...ha ha ha.
much love,
oh and write comments cause we want to know what is going on with everyone, we feel a little disconnected.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Day 3-Travel to Copenhagen, Denmark
last night we had traditional german bun lots of sawerkraut.
today we spent the day on the train traveling between frankfurt and copenhagen. playing cards, napping, snacking, and good conversation...feel like i am retired. crossing from germany into denmark the entire train pulled into a ferry for the water crossing. kind of increadible!! lots of windmills in denark...these people love clean energy!
today we spent the day on the train traveling between frankfurt and copenhagen. playing cards, napping, snacking, and good conversation...feel like i am retired. crossing from germany into denmark the entire train pulled into a ferry for the water crossing. kind of increadible!! lots of windmills in denark...these people love clean energy!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Day 2-Frankfurt, Germany
We are still enjoying our time in Frankfurt. Today Joe and I are touring the city by ourselves. We rode the metro successfully to the main train station to buy our tickets for Denmark tomorrow. We will leave in the morning around 9am. We are still having a little jetlag, not so fun. I woke up at 5am to Joe reading a book and everyone knows that Joe has never seen 5 am.
In the citz we walked down by the Main(pronounced Mine)River and had lunch. It was very relaxing, we both enjoyed it along with the people watching. Tonight we are going with Christin to a typical German Resturaunt, it should be fun.
In the citz we walked down by the Main(pronounced Mine)River and had lunch. It was very relaxing, we both enjoyed it along with the people watching. Tonight we are going with Christin to a typical German Resturaunt, it should be fun.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Day 1: Frankfurt, Germany
we left chicago yesterday and have arrived in frankfurt, germany!! our first servas friend to stay with is christin. she met us at the main train station and we went to her two bedroom flat where we slept for about four hours. christin is very cool. she just finished her PhD thesis in history. she has three bikes so after our lengthy nap we cruised about two miles away to a cafe district where we walked for about two miles along the store fronts and then stopped for coffee and tea. after a bit of a visit with our new friend christin we all walked to the grocery store (ALDI - which ironically they have in Appleton, WI - which is a chain store started by a german billionaire who also owns trader joes in the US). so far so good. ashley and christin are in the kitchen making dinner as i write this... gotta go...dinner is readz (on the german kezboard the y and z are switched).
It is exciting to be here, I had a bit of trouble on the bike ride beings my legs were too short for any of the bikes. So by default I rode a bike that is similar to the one Dorthy rode in the Wizard of Oz...metallic blue and a bit rusty. Joe told me to be careful because we dont have good international insurance....I guess I looked a bit wobbly on my pratice ride. I cant help my legs are short.
It is exciting to be here, I had a bit of trouble on the bike ride beings my legs were too short for any of the bikes. So by default I rode a bike that is similar to the one Dorthy rode in the Wizard of Oz...metallic blue and a bit rusty. Joe told me to be careful because we dont have good international insurance....I guess I looked a bit wobbly on my pratice ride. I cant help my legs are short.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ready or Not, It's Go Time!
It is our last night on US soil and my nerves are killing me. I have begun to realize that if we don't have it done or planned by now, it just ain't gonna happen. We begin our journey tomorrow. We fly out of Chicago on September 12, 2007 at 6:30pm. This is going to be an adventure of a lifetime, let's just hope we are sane by the time we get back!

These two pictures are Joe and I hard at work planning our trip. You don't realize how much time it takes to plan a trip like this until you have to do it! UGH...
We also took a cool video to post, but I am not sure how to put it on here. If anyone has advice for me on how to post a video, please give it to me. I need help. I am not good at this stuff yet.
Here is our tentative schedule for the next month or so:
Now remember the KEY word is TENTATIVE...
Sept. 12 IN THE AIR
Sept. 13-14 Frankfurt
Sept. 15-17 Denmark
Sept. 18- 20 Amsterdam
Sept. 21-22 Geneva
Sept. 23-24 Vienna
Sept. 25-27 Budapest
Sept. 29-Oct. 2 Bucharest
Oct. 4-7 Prauge
Oct. 10-13 Paris
Stay tuned...
These two pictures are Joe and I hard at work planning our trip. You don't realize how much time it takes to plan a trip like this until you have to do it! UGH...
We also took a cool video to post, but I am not sure how to put it on here. If anyone has advice for me on how to post a video, please give it to me. I need help. I am not good at this stuff yet.
Here is our tentative schedule for the next month or so:
Now remember the KEY word is TENTATIVE...
Sept. 12 IN THE AIR
Sept. 13-14 Frankfurt
Sept. 15-17 Denmark
Sept. 18- 20 Amsterdam
Sept. 21-22 Geneva
Sept. 23-24 Vienna
Sept. 25-27 Budapest
Sept. 29-Oct. 2 Bucharest
Oct. 4-7 Prauge
Oct. 10-13 Paris
Stay tuned...
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Gotta love the "Cheezheads"
So my in-laws have been season ticket holders to the Green Bay Packers since 1981, and since I married into a "Cheezhead" family, I decide to join in on the Green Bay fun! For my birthday present Sue and Jerry gave me the chance to do just this. They took Joe and I to the SEASON OPENER. We decided to go all out and even tailgate. I sported my green and yellow with pride.

Here I am headed to Lambeau Feild, all fired up and ready to see the PACK ATTACK!
Joe and I before the Packers have come onto the field.
The seats look a bit empty but dont let this picture fool you, the seats quickly filled up with yellow and gold. The attendace for the game was close to 71,000. CRAZY!
I was proud to call myself a Packer fan today. They won in the last few seconds of the game. 16-13. GO PACK!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Leaving DC....
Joe said, "Honey I think we are in a pickle."
We have offically left DC and made the drive home to Iowa safely. I must say I was a little scared, Joe driving our "semi truck." But, we did it with only one minor mishap in a hotel parking lot (Drew you are gonna love this one). After driving about 12 hours and it being 1 o'clock in the morning, we pull over to get a good nights rest before finishing our trip the next day. Well, little did we know the parking lot did not have a turn-around, and with a semi and a trailer you can't so much back up. I felt like we were in the movie Austin Powers, but only with a BIGGER car. But after much bickering and concentration, we were able to get the truck out after an hour only to go to the hotel and see that it was full and no openings. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! We had to drive another 45 min. to spend way to much for a hotel and sleep for only 5 hours.....gotta love it.
We leave Iowa tomorrow and are heading up to Wisconson to see Joe's family. We are both excited! Except for our air conditioner in our car has broke, so 7 hours on the interstate with no air should be sweet. Joe keeps telling me I am a "trooper." He better appreciate this!
We leave Iowa tomorrow and are heading up to Wisconson to see Joe's family. We are both excited! Except for our air conditioner in our car has broke, so 7 hours on the interstate with no air should be sweet. Joe keeps telling me I am a "trooper." He better appreciate this!
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