OK, so we had two big events happen recently, first, Bubba arrived in Mali safely, and secondly our kitten has become a mouse killer. Bubba arrived in Mali eight days ago and already we have done so much. We met him in Bamako, which meant that we got to eat pizza and ice cream, and then we all headed back to our village (12 hour bus ride and a 30 minute bike ride). We arrived in our village just in time to celebrate Tabaski, one of the biggest Muslim celebrations each year.
Tabaski "Festival of Sacrifice" is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God. However, God provided a ram in place once Ibrahim demonstrated his willingness to follow God's commands. Tabaski annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja of the lunar Islamic calendar. The festivities last for three days or more depending on the country. Tabaski occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan.
During Tabaski everyone in our village wore there best outfits and every man slaughters one sheep for every one of his wife. The celebration started with all the men (including Bubba and Joe) walking out to the ridge on the East side of our village. All the prayer mats from the Mosque were laid out on the ground and we all knelt and prayed toward Mecca. It was amazing to take part in such a traditional ceremony.
When the prayer ended all the young men in the village shot off old black powdered riffles (they look like old civil war muskets). The men then went to the house of each village elder and shot off the riffles...I am not sure of the meaning but it is loud and dangerous (I am sure no one has had gun safety!).
After the prayer and guns, Bubba and Joe went around and watched as all the sheep in the village were slaughtered. It was a crazy couple of days.

Ashley and
Bubba playing a new card game (Thanks Ingrid and Jon!)

Ashley all ready to party at the Tabaski festival
Bubba on his way to the "bathroom" to take his first bucket bath

Yes, a basket full of meat for the
Tabaski celebration

Joe and
Bubba looking like African studs
Bubba getting in goat killing mode

I (Joe) gave our kitten a little training one night on how to kill mice and the next morning we woke up to two dead mice on the floor. We officially have a mouse killer!