Peace Corps Address

Joe's cell #

Ashley's cell #

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mudding of the Djenne Mosque

So, I (Ashley got sick and couldn't go) got to go to the Mudding of the Djenne Mosque in the city of Djenne (the oldest known city in sub-Saharan Africa).  The mosque is the largest mud brick building in the world.  Each spring before the rains come the community of Djenne replasters (with mud) the mosque, which is a giant festival of fun and mud throwing.  The young men gather dirt, animal excrement, and raisins.  The woman haul buckets of water.  It is all mixed together by the feet of young boys. 

The woman in the background are carrying buckets of water up to the mud pits near the mosque
Mud is being passed up to these men

These are the baskets that they carry the mud in

A few videos I took during the mudding...


  1. the second video? i swear i seen little adam & aaron rolling around in the mud!
    what fun !! Love ya, mom

  2. Hi Joe and Ash: Why does SL prohibit same sex room sharing? An anti-homosexuality law? Interesting. I can't believe people come together and work in unity to re-mud that mosque. It makes sense since it is historic and an important religious site but it just seems like a crazy task of remodeling. Kristen and I are going to run on the mall tomorrow (Monday). Congrats on buying the 'rents plane tickets. I biked to Old Town Alexandria today; it is awesome. I went to my first work party, it was kind of lame; basically it was like lunch time at work but with alcohol and loud music. : ) LOVE, Joanna

  3. Hi Joe and Ashley,

    You can't have a big party like that without me!!!! ha ha just kidding. There are alot of people that get involved with this "Mudding of the Djenne" Mosque. Looks like alot of fun.

    Miss you
    Jody,Ben and Anna


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