Peace Corps Address

Joe's cell #

Ashley's cell #

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out my window

Ashley paying close attention to our french language instructor. We both have to pass a french exam in 6 weeks to be able to swear in as Peace Corps volunteers. We are in class 8 hours a day!

The Grand Mosque of Sanakoraba. The call to prayer wakes me up every morning at 5:30am.

Getting caught in heavy traffic in Mali is never fun. Good thing I was riding in one of Peace Corps Land Cruisers that had a cattle gaurd.

I eat 2 mango's everyday. I pay 50 FCFA each which is about 15 cents USA.

This is out the window of my hut at my (JOE) host family's compound. This is where I am living for training which will last about 6 more weeks.


  1. god, these pictures really lack they're just fine

  2. We read a book tonight for Abe and it had Bon appetit in it. So now Abe is saying it over and over. Starting French at age 2 is probably easier than in your 20's. Great to hear that all is well and the picture of you compound is really cool.

    Praying for you,

  3. It's good to see some pictures again. Pictures always help see what you are experiencing and learning. It looks like both of you are enjoying every minute so far.
    I had another doc. appointment and the baby weighs 7.5 pounds already. Everything is looking good but they have to watch the weight more than anything at this point. So now I have to go in every week and have a non-stress test done. This week I had it done and it came out good. Time will tell how this baby will come out.

    Talk to you later
    Ben, Body, Baby B.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am now sitting at my computer perplexed because the comment that i just took 20 min. to write got erased...erased...I am officially a moron...not like one of those oh it was just a mistake moron i am a full on unable to contain full mental capacity for my age moron... we go again:

    Thanks for the pictures it helps to get a better visual on what you are experiencing over there in Africa!

    Why you be loungin' up in your french class...don't you know as a former educator yourself that, that is no way to learn.
    Sit up straight
    Eyes forward
    Don't move
    Desk in front of you
    I mean come on smash..
    by the way sweet pants, good thing you snatched those up a few years back from my closet!!

    It seems to me your time in Iowa has come to some great value to you, with the couple trips out to climbing hill I believe you well equipped to help manage the "traffic jams" of Mali, Africa.

    And to think who knew good ole' rand might be to some value there in Africa..

    I am so happy for you guys!
    I am mean in my book you guys are pretty much balla' not that my book holds any real popularity status power but none the less you guys rule!

    Keep enjoying it one day at a time!

    the one and only:
    sista spamy

  6. note i am even dumber then my last comment may assume, I did post the first one only to not scroll down far enough to see if it was actually posted to only post the same information twice...
    I hate to say this in writing but can any one say perhaps the doobs is my mom....
    DNA strands they will screw you every time!

  7. Joe, I noticed that you are taking pictures and Ashley is the one PAYING ATTENTION to the French Lessons,hopefully there is a chair with your name on it somewhere in that class room.
    We are so proud of all you are going to experience.
    We're praying that you will be the JOY and the LIGHT of the village.
    Mom and Dad

  8. i love it two are awesome....
    i'll just stay in iowa and sort mail :-)
    love ya --
    the doobs


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